Saturday, 14 September 2013


Drinking a cup of tea or coffee in the morning could help prevent liver disease in man.

The research was carried out by a team of Researchers from Duke's School of Medicine in Singapore, led by Professor Paul Yen.

The caffeine in tea reduces the kind of fatty liver problems associated with diabetes and obesity. According to Paul, "The notion that coffee and tea maybe therapeutic, since they have a reputation for being "bad" for health is enlightening".

The team hopes that their study could help to develop caffeine-like drugs without the side-effects related to large amounts of tea and coffee.

This might just be a good reason for me to start drinking tea daily now.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes target a few people in a large gathering while others are rarely bitten? 1 in 10 people are highly attractive to mosquitoes and 1 in 5 people are mosquito magnet.

According to a University of Florida entomology Professor, Dr. Phil Koehler, "Both your metabolism and your unique body chemistry - which is as distinctive as a fingerprint - play an important role in determining whether or not you are a mosquito magnet. Also, there is evidence that your degree of attractiveness to mosquitoes can change over time".
Some of us are tasty targets because:
  • Mosquitoes prefer blood group O. A Japanese study revealed that mosquitoes are twice as likely to bite people with blood group O than those with A, B & AB groups. This is because people secrete substances that allow mosquitoes to identify blood type before they bite.
  • Mosquitoes also prefer beer drinkers - another study published by Journal of the American mosquito Control Association revealed that mosquitoes targeted the volunteers more after beer consumption than before consumption.
  • Pregnant women - expectant moms get bitten twice as often as women who are not pregnant. Pregnant women's abdomens are about 1 degree warmer, and this causes more volatile substances revealed in sweat to attract mosquitoes.
  • Your smell - acetone and estradiol released in your breath and many of the compounds and bacteria found on your skin contribute to your attractiveness.
  • Full moon - mosquitoes are 500 times more active when the moon is full. The highest risk times are dusk and dawn.
  • Also the carbon dioxide we exhale and lactic acid in our sweat attract mosquitoes to us.
  • Dark coloured clothings can also increase your risk of being bitten by mosquitoes.
Individuals that get bitten less could be producing chemicals on their skins that make them more repellent and cover up smells that mosquitoes find attractive.
There isn't much we can do about mosquitoes other than using EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) approved mosquito repellent and covering up.

For those of us with blood group O; to be on the safe side, always take your bath before bedtime and sleep in a mosquito treated net.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013



 Fresh okro soup
INGREDIENTS: Fresh fish, shrimps, crab, peri-winkles/any other sea food, okro, uzuza leaves, cray fish, fresh pepper, maggi, dawadawa, dry fish/stock fish (optional) & salt to taste. Please, no beef, purely sea food.
  • Dice the okro, slice uzuza leaves, pound the crayfish with 1 dawadawa & blend the pepper.
  • Boil fresh fish with a cup of water, maggi & salt to taste for 5mins. In order to have the fresh fish intact, remove it from the pot.
  • Add dry fish, crab & pepper, leave to boil for 10mins.
  • Then add shrimps, peri-winkles/other sea food & crayfish, boil for 3mins.
  • Finally add okro, uzuza leaves & boiled fresh fish, leave to boil for 5mins.
  • Please, no palm oil (if you desire, 2 table spoons).
Serve with amala, eba, pounded yam or semovita.
Enjoy your meal.

Try this fresh okro soup, you will like it. Let's eat fresh and healthy. Skip beef and poultry for once.
NOTE: Send me your recipe for "MENU OF THE DAY".

Monday, 29 July 2013


An award-winning Nigerian music director, Aswad Ayinde 55 has been sentenced to 90 years in jail in the United States of America. He was found guilty of repeatedly raping and impregnating his six daughters, thereby fathering six children from the unholy act.
During the trial, it was revealed that Ayinde began having sexual intercourse with his second daughter when she was only eight years old and impregnating her four times.
Ayinde's ex-wife disclosed during the trial that "he was trying to create a "pure family bloodline" by impregnating his daughters. He even claimed during a pre-trial hearing before the first trial that "the world was going to end, and it was just going to be him and his offspring and that he was chosen".
Ayinde, who won Best R&B Video at the 1996 MTV Music Video Award for the Fugees hit "Killing me softly" tortured and isolated his daughters from the public to keep the family secrets hidden for almost 30 years.
NOTE: - Please, parents who are guilty of this incest taboo should desist from it. God has given you these children as caretakers / guardians and not as sex objects.
Incest taboo is and has been one of the most widespread of all cultural taboos, both in present and in many past societies.

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Researchers at the London Imperial College have created an intelligent surgical knife that can accurately detect within 3 seconds if a tissue being cut is cancerous.
The electrosurgical knife is designed in such a way that it is connected to an analytical instrument that enables it analyze the smoke composition real-time during surgery.
According to Dr. Zoltan Takats "the iknife provides a result almost instantly, allowing surgeons to carry out procedures with a level of accuracy that hasn't been possible before. We believe it has the potential to reduce tumour recurrence rates and enable more patients to survive".
The intelligent knife doesn't come cheap, it cost the researchers about £200,000 pounds to build. They hinted the price could come down when the technology is commercialized.
Kudos to Dr. Takats and his team. I pray the iknife is quickly commercialized to promote effective and accurate surgeries as soon as possible, thereby saving more lives.

Read more:

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


Watermelon is a fleshy, nutritious and extremely high water content vegetable. Though people refer to it as a fruit, but it is really a vegetable. It belongs to plant species called Citrullis lanatus. Apart from the popular pink/red colour, some species come in yellow, orange or white. And there are 600 - 1,200 different varieties of it worldwide.

It is believed to have originated from Southern African countries, but can be found in different parts of the world today.
This fleshy veggie contains 91% water (and fructose), 5% protein and 4% fat.
Watermelon contains the following :
Potassium - helps to regulate blood pressure and may prevent hypertension.
Vitamins A & C - aid proper vision, hence good health.
Lycopene - found in the red/pink flesh of watermelon. An anti-oxidant that may help reduce diseases.
Fibre - helps the movement of stool.
Citrulline - (amino acid) is a known stimulator of nitric oxide. It helps to relax and expand blood vessels.
Also, it is very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.

To purchase a fully ripe watermelon, look out for the following:
  • The weight - it will feel heavy for its size.
  • The rind should be smooth, and slightly dull on top.
  • The underside should be creamy yellow
  • Check out for a deep hollow sound rather than shallow sound when tapped. 
For those who don't eat watermelon because of the seeds, some are seedless. (About 85% of watermelons produced in the United States are seedless. It has long been a 4th of July holiday staple).
Watermelon is highly nutritious that every part of it (flesh, seed & rind) is consumed. I truly recommend it to weight watchers.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Kate & William with baby Cambridge
HRH Prince of Cambridge
Prince William and Kate Middleton today presented their new borne baby, HRH Prince of Cambridge to the public before departing Saint Mary's Hospital for Kensington palace.
The Royal couple looked overwhelmed with emotions as they were greeted by the huge cheers and applause from the crowd of well-wishers and the media.
Baby Cambridge is the third in line to the British throne. As we await his name, I wish the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a big congratulation on their bundle of joy. 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Pope Francis
In late 1950s, Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis), a 21 year old seminarian felt feverish and was near death for days, the doctors diagnosed a severe lung infection. This led to the removal of part of his upper right lung.

Although, details of this operation on the 76 year old Pontiff is not known as no records concerning it has been made available to any media house.

According to some medical experts when one lung is removed, the remaining lung inflates to take up some of the extra space. They also said it would be rare nowadays to remove a lung. Antibiotics would be used to treat most lung infections including tuberculosis, though, part of the organ might be removed to treat advanced lung cancer.

This shows that living with just one full lung can't slow one down.

Friday, 12 July 2013


Omega-3 fatty acids have long been hailed for their apparent ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well as protect against heart diseases. They are also known to have anti-inflammatory properties that might help prevent different forms of cancer.

But a new study by some Medical Researchers in the United States is raising questions about Omega-3 fatty acids. The study revealed that men who consume a lot of EPA, DPA and DHA - three anti-inflammatory metabolically related fatty acids that are found in fatty fish and fish oil supplements have 43% increased chances of developing prostate cancer. Men who eat diets high in fatty acids were also shown to have 71% increased risk of developing high-grade prostate cancer, and a 44% higher chance of having low-grade prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and while the latest statistics show that most men will eventually develop prostate cancer if they live long. Only a specific type of cancer, known as high-grade, carries high risk of serious health problems.

According to the National Cancer Institute, prostate cancer will affect an estimated 238,590 new patients in 2013 and about 29,720 prostate cancer patients will die this year.
NOTE: If you are a man of certain age and a regular consumer of fatty fish or fish oil, you may want to rethink your health regime!

Thursday, 11 July 2013


 Danel & Maria
At 4 months
Newly born twins of a Spanish couple were captured holding hands few minutes after delivery by one of the nurses in the hospital in Northern Spain.

The twins, Danel and Maria were delivered through Caesarean section and placed in an incubator. While lying side by side and turned away from each other, even with their eyes closed, the babies reached for each other and clasped hands.

Naiara and Mario Morales, parents of the adorable twins told the Spanish daily Newspaper, Diario Vasco that they could not believe how much the photo has been shared around the world.

Dr. Javier Rodriguez who requested  for a copy of the picture to hang in his office said "I've seen a lot  of new borns but I've never seen this before".

The Morales twins now four months and Web celebrities don't hold hands any more but smile at each other.

This shows the supernatural bonding of twins even when they are not identical.

Saturday, 6 July 2013


2 medium tomatoes (chopped)
1 Jalapeno chili pepper (seeds removed & dice)
1 onion (diced)
Cilantro (chopped)
2 green bell pepper (seeds removed & diced)
Lime or lemon juice
Olive oil (1 table spoon)
Salt to taste
Shredded cheese (optional).

Mix the chopped tomatoes, diced onions, jalapeno pepper and cilantro in a bowl, then add vinegar & lemon juice. Leave it for about 2 hours for the flavor to mix.

Slightly saute diced green pepper & diced onion with a table spoon of olive oil for about 2 mins.

Serve with boiled Jasmine rice & black beans. Add avocado, lettuce and shredded cheese.

Courtesy: DJ Johnson, MD.

NOTE: Feel free to send me your recipe.

Friday, 5 July 2013


Stanford University researchers say infertility may put some men at higher risk of developing brain, prostrate and testicular tumors as well as melanoma and lymphoma.

In a study of 2,238 infertile men around age 35 undergoing treatment at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston between 1989 & 2009, 451 are azoospermia (no sperm in their ejaculate due to blockages in their reproductive tracts).

Among these participants, 29 developed cancer during the study period with the highest rates occurring among men with azoospermia.

Dr. Michael Eisenberg, Assistant Professor of urology of Stanford Hospital & Clinics concludes that, "there is evidence that infertility may be a barometer for men's overall health". If that is the case, then azoospermia in particular could be an early warning for young men who might be at higher risk of developing cancers.

Read more:

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


A watchdog  group, The Centre for Environmental Health has reported that Pepsi-Cola is still using caramel colouring containing a chemical linked to cancer in rodents after agreeing to phase it out over a year ago.

In March 2012, Pepsi and Coca-Cola promised they would adjust their formulas nationally after California passed a law mandating drinks containing a certain level of 4-methylimidazole come with a cancer warning label.

According to the group, Coca-Cola no longer test positive for the chemical, but Pepsi products sold outside California still do.

The chemical, 4-methylimidazole, commonly known as 4-mel can be found in trace amounts in many foods and is formed during the cooking process.

Why drink Pepsi, Coke or any soda product with high levels carcinogen, when you can take natural fruits - citrus grp, water melon, mango etc for all the supplements you require.

Do you know a bottle of soft drink (soda) contains about 10 cubes of sugar? Think about it!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


Heavily pregnant Maria De Jesus with appendicitis lost her life after two unsupervised trainee surgeons mistakenly removed one of her ovaries at Queen's Hospital, Romford, Essex.

The 32 year old teaching assistant was discharged 8 days after the bungled operation, but re-admitted 6 days later with stomach pains, which resulted to miscarriage after 2 days.

19 days after the wrong procedure, she was in the theatre again for the removal of the appendix, but died on the operating table after her appendix was finally removed.

The General Medical Council is investigating 8 medical staff of the hospital, including senior surgical consultant Dr. Babatunde Coker over the death.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


 African pepper
Goat weed
Laboratory experiments conducted by German and Camerounian researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany have shown that African medicinal plants contain chemicals that may be able to stop the spread of cancer cells.
According to Prof. Thomas Efferth "the active substances present in African medicinal plants may be capable of killing off tumour cells that are resistant to more than one drug. They thus represent an excellent starting point for the development of new therapeutic treatments for cancers that do not respond to conventional chemotherapy regiment".

Xylopia aethiopica (African pepper) also known as uda (Ibo), eeru (Yoruba) and kimbaa (Hausa) is found in West & Central Africa, and used as spice in various traditional dishes in these parts of the world.

African pepper is also used in the treatment of dysentery, bronchitis, ulcer, skin infection, female sterility, constipation when mixed with salt, etc.

Ageratum conyzoids (Goat weed) is found in South & Central America, Caribbean, USA, South East Asia, South China, India, Nigeria & Australia. Goat weed is also used for the treatment of fever, pneumonia, cold, rheumatism, head ache, ulcer, circumcision wounds, uterine bleeding, etc.
In South Eastern Nigeria, a bowl of pepper soup is incomplete without African pepper. In fact, this is a delicacy prepared for every nursing mother. It has the tendency to heal the womb after child birth.

God has blessed the whole universe with natural herbs, that if taken in the right proportion will heal & refresh us, but cravings for synthetic foods now lead to ailments such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


The Federal government of Nigeria has ordered the Ministry of Health to commence the immediate free treatment of diabetic children in all government owned hospitals across the country.

According to the Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, "all children suffering from diabetes whose parents are registered with the National Health Insurance Scheme irrespective of their location across the country would enjoy the free service".

Thank you so much Prof. Chukwu. I would advise that these parents are also thought the various preventive measures of diabetes in children in these govt. hospitals 'cos prevention is better than cure.

Prevention means balancing food consumption against physical activity.
Although, type 2 diabetes is partly genetic, even so, it can be prevented or delayed in most cases. The key is a healthy lifestyle.

Parents feed your children with diets high in plant foods and low in salt & saturated fats. Stop junk foods, soft drinks, chips, cookies, doughnuts & candy. Always serve food in small portions.

Friday, 14 June 2013


Today, 14th June is World Blood Donor Day.  It serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood.

According to World Health Organisation (WHO), the theme for 2013 is "Give the gift of life: donate blood" .  Today marks the 10th anniversary.

Please, go out to a health centre near you to donate blood and save a life. God bless you as you do this.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Pa Fatai Rolling Dollar

Nigeria's oldest highlife music legend, Pa Fatai Olayiwola Olagunju popularly known as Fatai Rolling Dollar is dead. He died this morning after a brief illness at a Lagos hospital. He was  86 years.

Born in Ede, Osun State in 1926 to the family of Late Chief Olagunju.

The "Won Kere Si Number Wa" crooner had his music break in 1953.  Though, had a setback for some decades. He was given a new lease of life by the French Cultural Centre after decades of struggling to make ends meet.

Through this sponsorship, he released the popular "Won Kere Si Number Wa" for one of the CDMA Telecommunications operators in Nigeria, under Jazzhole Records  in mid 2000.

He is survived by three wives and 16 children.


Jiroemon Kimura, recognised by the Guinness World Records as the world's oldest person ever has died in Kyotango, Japan. He was 116 years.

Kimura, a former Japanese postman died of natural causes after being treated of pneumonia. He had 7 children, 14 grand children, 25 great-grand children and 15 great- great- grand children.

He attributed his longevity to eating only healthy foods in small portions, as well as getting out in the sunlight. His motto was "eat light to live long".

Another Japanese, a woman, Misao Okawa of Osaka now holds the new world record at 115 yrs.

The oldest person ever was Jeanne Calment, a French woman, who died in 1997 at 122 yrs & 164 days by Guinness World Record.

NOTE:  IF you want to live long take a clue from Kimura's secret, "eat only healthy foods in small portion".

Thursday, 6 June 2013


Drinking water is one of the best ways to get your bowels moving. Make it a habit of carrying a bottle of water around every day. (please, do not substitute soft drinks or juice for water). Sometimes we think we are hungry whereas we are just thirsty. Drink at least 2 glasses of warm water first thing in the morning before using the toilet / restroom.

I know fruits, vegetables and grains don't come cheap, but eat as much as you can afford.
Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables & grains daily means a lower incidence of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, colon & prostate cancer, osteoporosis and more. They also help to keep you lean and full of energy.

Getting more physical activity helps your metabolism.
Choose the exercise you enjoy doing. It could be indoor or outdoor. As long as you workout at least 3 times a week.

The colon (bowel) is designed to collect and hold wastes, but only for a while. If it is not emptied regularlly, it starts to resemble a back-up sewage which can lead to constipation. Hence, we have to ensure we move it regularlly.

If you ignore the urge to have a bowel movement, you'll eventually stop feeling the need to have one, and this can lead to constipation.

For me I have bowel movement 2-3 times daily. Once I get up from bed in the morning, I do 50-100 sit ups / crunches (before my regular exercise), drink 2 glasses of warm water, then go to the restroom. (Try it, it's great).

Please, share how you move your bowel in the morning.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


I came across this report in ThisDay Newspaper and decided to share it with you.

According to Professor John Idoko, the Director General of the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), Nigeria is the second largest country with people living with HIV/AIDS in the world. A total of 3.4 million Nigerians are living with this disease.

The DG further disclosed that only 18% of the 170 million Nigerians had been tested for HIV and that more than 40% of HIV positive persons do not know their status.

On further investigation, I discovered that topping the chat is South Africa with 5.6 million people living with the HIV/AIDS disease of a total population of 50 million, while India came a distant 3rd with only 2.4 million of it's total population of 1.27 billion.

This is really alarming. What happens when the 170 million of the population is tested?

Please, fellow Nigerians, there is no known cure for AIDS now and there is no vaccine to prevent the HIV. However, with the foresight, self-discipline and education, HIV/AIDS can be prevented. Let's educate ourselves and our children about HIV, how it is transmitted, and how its transmission can be prevented. This will go a long way in saving lives.

Read more

Sunday, 2 June 2013


Jamen Shively

Marijuana plant

Jamen Shively 45 years old ex- Microsoft executive plans to create the first United States National marijuana Brand with cannabis he hopes to import legally from Mexico.

His company branded - DIEGO PELLICER named after his hemp producing great grand father, and former vice governor of the Island of Cebu in the Philippines is currently sourcing for investors to raise $10 million in start up cash to purchase medical marijuana dispensaries in 3 states.

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico and advocate of decriminalising marijuana, who was present at the briefing said he was there to show support to Shively's company but has no financial stake in it.

Shively had never smoked marijuana until about 18 months ago, according to the Seattle Times. "I've just fallen in love with the plant", he said. "Especially in the medical realm, I've gone from entrepreneur to advocate to activist, seriously".

The use, sale and possession of marijuana remains illegal in the United States under federal law. Two U.S. states (Colorado and Washington) have, however, legalised recreational marijuana use and are among 18 states that allow it for medical use. The Justice Department has repeatedly said it can continue to persecute large -scale, privately owned marijuana operations even when they comply with state laws.

Shively said he plans to create separate medical and adult recreational -use marijuana brands. As well as launch a study of the effectiveness of concentrated cannabis oil in the treatment of cancer and other illnesses.

"Let's go big or go home", Shively told the Times. "We're going to mint more millionaires than Microsoft with this business".

That's another billionaire in the making. Forbes Lists take note.

Sunday, 26 May 2013


 Aaliyah Johnson had skin problems after using illegal injection melanotan.
Rash and bruises after tanning drugs

If you are black or dark skinned, you have to be proud and appreciate God's beautiful creation in you. The melanin pigment gives blacks the dark beautiful colour which gives the skin more protection from ultraviolet rays (UV rays).

Do you know some whites / light skinned individuals are using drugs and injection such as Melanotan, Melanotan I & Melanotan II to get their skins tanned. In the course of doing this, so many have ran into troubled waters.

Melanotan is a synthetic hormone which is injected into the skin causing it to darken to produce a tan. It works by increasing levels of melanin - the natural dark pigmentation in the skin that darkens in the sun.

The producers of this injectable melanotan claim that apart from skin tanning, it also protects against skin cancer, against rosacea, enhances the libido and suppresses the appetite.

Melanotan is mostly sold on-line, in the gyms and beauty salons. But the FDA, MHRA and other Agencies have warned consumers not to be fooled into thinking that melanotan offers a shortcut to a safer or more even tan.

So all you dark skinned individuals should stop over bleaching to be like an "oyibo"  and should be "black & proud", because "oyibo wants to swop your skin".

NOTE: Do not use Melanotan. It is not approved by Medicines and Health Care Products Regulations Agency (MHRA). The side effect is still being tested by MHRA.

Read more.

Friday, 24 May 2013


A Polish man who was seriously injured by a machine in a work place accident was the beneficiary of the world's first life-saving face transplant surgery on Wednesday in a 27 hour operation.

The 33 year old, identified as Grzegorz got a new face 3 weeks after a stone-cutting machine damaged his face so severely that it couldn't be reattached.

The ground breaking operation was carried out by a team of surgeons led by Dr. Adam Maciejewski of the Cancer Centre and Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, Poland.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


 Chaz Bono (Before)

Cher & Chaz

Cher paid her 44 years old transgender son, Chaz Bono $1,000 for every pound he shed. She paid him a total of $60,000 for sheding 60lbs.

Chaz Bono, the former dancing with the stars finalist and the most public face of the transgendered community has been fighting his weight problem for long.

He once weighed a scale-busting 345 pounds which was a threat to his life. This got the mum really worried.
"Chaz balked at first, saying he didn't want a hand out", a source said. "But Cher told him, I love you and I want you to be healthy. This isn't a handout - it's an incentive to stay on track with your goal".

Hey! mums would you do this for your loved "obesed" child or spouse to stay healthy and alive? Think about it!

Friday, 17 May 2013



Richard Roundtree
Breast cancer is more common in men than most people think and for the same reasons that these genes affect women. Men with the BRCA1 (Breast Cancer Type 1) mutations also have higher possibilities of contracting pancreatic, testicular and early-onset prostate cancer. The BRCA2 gene is most strongly associated with breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers.

Richard Roundtree born in 1942, popular actor of "Shaft in Africa" developed a rare male breast cancer in 1993. The same year he had a double mastectomy and was treated with rounds of chemotherapy.



Angelina Jolie
3 days ago Angelina Jolie announced to the world she has just had a double mastectomy after finding out she had a mutation in the BRCA1 (breast cancer type 1) gene, giving her a very high life time risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

The mutation Jolie carries, a deletion on the BRCA1 gene,combined with a strong family history of cancer, correlate with an 87% risk of breast cancer and a 50% risk of ovarian cancer. Either cancer is likely to be very aggressive and lethal sooner rather than later. Breast cancer is, on average likely to strike earlier than ovarian.

Other celebrities who have had double mastectomy are:

1. Sharon Osbourne - TV Personality

2. Christina Applegate - Actress; 2008

3. Shirley Temple Black - Actress; 1972

4. Hoda Kotb - "Today" Show host; 2007

5. Giuliana Rancic - E! News Presenter; 2011

6. Nancy Regan - Former 1st Lady; 1987

7. Kathy Bates - Actress; 2012

8. Wanda Sykes - Comedienne; 2011

It wasn’t until 1990 that DNA linkage studies identified the first gene connected to breast cancer. Scientists called the gene “breast cancer 1” or BRCA1 (pronounced brak-uh), according to Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Four years later, scientists uncovered a second, similar gene and named it BRCA2.

The genes are considered “tumor suppressors” that, when perfect, produce a protein that controls cell growth and death. We all have two of each gene, and a mutation in one of them is linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

The test is very expensive and costs as much as $4,000.

Thursday, 16 May 2013



Nigeria's life expectancy is ranked 217  at 52.46yrs out of 228 countries in the world. At the bottom is Chad at 49.07yrs, while South Africa is ranked 227 at 49.48yrs. Monaco tops the chart at 89.63yrs and USA is ranked 53rd at 78.62yrs.

The hustling in Nigeria is very stressful, we really have to take life easy, eat right, exercise more, and take good care of our health to prevent ill-health and early death.

With this report we have to value and take good care of our health. The saying that "prevention is better than cure" is a fact. "Prevention" cost little or nothing while "Cure" could cost a little, a fortune or even death.

Please, let's not allow our health to get to the state where it's irredeemable.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Watch out for your favourite blog on FITNESS, HEALTH, NUTRITION, MEDICAL, HEALTH ENTERTAINMENT & HAPPINESS. Get ready to invest in your health!

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Welcome to Laura Johnson's WELLNESS Blog! Coming up soon.

There are blogs and there are blogs. However most of them are all about entertainment and gossip while a lot of others are about politics. There are also a lot of Blogs about anything you can think of but only few blogs are devoted to health and general wellness. This is exactly the kind of void that this blog has come to fill.  Therefore watch this space for general knowledge about health and wellness. Thanks